Google's Linux OS Chrome OS
"a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel."Sounds like Google's own XFCE: "Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. We're designing the OS to be fast and lightweight..."
I'm very much looking forward to this Google Linux Distro but I don't expect it to be as stable as Ubuntu initially.
Talking about speed, let's talk about XFCE...
I really like that direction of speed, simplicity: "getting my work done without the OS getting in the way" - so I was really impressed when I tried XFCE on my Ubuntu desktop by "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" then logging out and choose Session > Xfce Session. I've been really impressed with the speed of XFCE since then and using XFCE as default eversince both on my desktop and notebook! GNOME, although much more complete, is much much slower, my KDE 4 experience is also slower and very unstable - just copying big files to a usb drive even stopped unexpectedly, copying files through samba in dolphin also hanged the whole computer, the "kickstart" sometimes doesn't pop-up on click anymore, Konquerer crash in Youtube, main panel crash after editing it via its GUI - KDE really looks beautiful though but maybe this KDE 4 release in Ubuntu 9.04 packages are too immature.
A big thank you to all the GNU, Linux, Ubuntu, GNOME, KDE and XFCE guys! You all have contributed much much betterment to the world society!
XFCE is really amazingly fast, responsive, stable - but at first I needed to learn a few things too, you need to learn the new menu, where the generic stuff are, then the file browser thunar doesn't mount other non-linux drives so easily as in GNOME's nautilus - you need to go to System > Remote Filesystems and double-click your drive once to mount it and again to browse it. Network sharing of folders is missing though (for both right-click share folder and smb://<ip> to access as in nautilus) so you need GNOME's nautilus in that case: just open a terminal (opening a terminal is really easy in Ubuntu's XFCE: right click the white space in any folder and "Open Terminal Here") and simply type "nautilus".
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